FTP over SSL/TLS (secure connection)

By | 1 July 2009

Untuk lebih meningkatkan security kami menyarankan anda untuk menggunakan FTP over SSL/TLS agar keamanan komunikasi data lebih terjamin. Dengan FTP over SSL/TLS maka proses transfer data akan dienkripsi untuk menghindari pencurian username/password melalui proses network sniffing.

Bila pada saat login FTP anda menjumpai error sbb:

“Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server.
Please reconnect using SSL/TLS security mechanisms.
Connection closed by remote host.”

Berarti SSL/TLS belum dienablekan, silakan enablekan SSL/TLS dan ulangi lagi login FTP anda.

Pastikan software FTP client yang anda gunakan mendukung SSL/TLS.  Berikut ini daftar FTP client yang support SSL/TLS dan cara settingnya:

* CoreFTP Lite (Windows)
URL: http://www.coreftp.com/

SSL/TLS perfectly works when “AUTH TLS” is enabled. Please be sure “PASV” is enabled, “SSL Listing” and “OpenSSL” are enabled, but “SSL transfer” is disabled. CoreFTP Lite has some neat features like IPv6 support, remote file searching, .htaccess editing, queueing, bandwidth control, etc.

* SmartFTP (Windows)
URL: http://www.smartftp.com/

An excellent client with IPv6 support, port range limitation and other useful features (!= bloat) . And it’s free for personal, educational and non-commercial use. And it detects Pure-FTPd.

SSL/TLS perfectly works when the “FTP over SSL (explicit)” protocol is selected and when the data connection mode (Tools->Settings->SSL) is set to “clear data connection” while the AUTH mode (also in Tools->Settings->SSL) is set to “TLS”.

* IglooFTP Pro (Windows, Linux)
URL: http://www.iglooftp.com/

SSL/TLS is automatically detected and works when Preferences->Security-> Encrypt is set to “Commands [if possible], Transfers [if possible]”.

* FlashFXP (Windows)
URL: http://www.flashfxp.com/

SSL/TLS works. In the “Quick connect” dialog box, pick the “SSL” tab and :
– enable Auth TLS
– disable Secure File Listing
– disable Secure File Transfers

* FileZilla (Windows, OSX, Linux)
URL: http://filezilla-project.org/

SSL/TLS works. In the “Site details” dialog box, pick “FTP over TLS (explicit encryption)” as the “Servertype”.

* RBrowser (MacOS X)

URL: http://www.rbrowser.com/

A cute graphical client for MacOS that was reported to work by Jason Rust and Robert Vasvari.

* Glub Tech Secure FTP Client (at least Unix, MacOS X and Windows)
URL: http://secureftp.glub.com/

SSL/TLS is automatically detected and works out of the box.